We all spend a great deal of time on our mobiles. Whether we're messaging friends, reading the latest news, playing games or using the brand new app we've just downloaded, it can seem as though our mobile is never out of our hands. But what if you could make some extra money while you browse?…
2013 was the year of the personal tech or to be more precise, the year of the Smartwatch. Starting off with the Pebble a watch which got kickstarted for over $10 Million dollars which allows you to get notifications on your wrist, play games and much more. The Pebble became a huge success and the…
Some of us keep going to the barber and we are wondering if it’s really worth all the wait and the extra money to do all that. We may be wondering if we can just bone up on our trimming techniques and get our own tools and DIY. This is a distinct possibility, but several…
One common trope in books, movies and TV shows features the protagonist dozing off during class as their teacher stands at the front of the room delivering a lecture. It often ends in the snoozing student receiving a sharp reprimand or even a detention. Students’ lapsing attention may not be so obvious in real life,…
There are many stores available online now that offer camping equipment and they stock some excellent products. But there are clear benefits to using camping specialists to stock up on essentials and extras to ensure your trip is a success. When you shop from Military 1st, for example, you are using a store that is…
Preparing a room properly before major building works begin is essential. It is easy to underestimate how much damage nearby construction can do and much of this damage comes from less than obvious sources. As an example, dust can land on any surface and, if cleaned incorrectly, can result in scratches to the surface of…
The Majority of parents are really concerned about all this and are stressed about how can they get to know the answers to all these questions. The two major reason factors behind their stress are the rising trends of cyberbullying and sextortion. Have a look at these statistics and you will get the idea why…
As it is you’re getting somewhat subpar internet, you’re trying to stream your videos and have to find something else to do while it’s loading or your connection lags just as you’re going to pass that extremely hard level that you’ve been stuck for days – then you find out not only are you paying…
Samsung has recently announced the new Samsung Gear Live, a version of the Gear smartwatch but instead of running on Tizen, the watch runs Google's latest operation system Android Wear. We have previously made an article about Galaxy S4 caching fire while charging and it seems that Samsung hasn't been having much luck when it comes…
1) Air ConditioningThose of us who have had some form of AC all our lives (even the humble window AC unit) have no idea how much we take it for granted. It’s very true that many areas of the world would never have gotten to where they are now without the miracle of AC, for…
The guys over at F-Stoppers have found leaked specs of the unannounced popular extreme action video camera the GoPro Hero 4. GoPro camera was embraced by professional cinematographers as well as millions upon millions of tourists both for its size and the fact that it allows you to capture great video footage at a incredible quality for…
The Wearable Technology Show is the world’s biggest and most exciting event for all of the latest wearable technology products as well as IOT and augmented reality. This special conference is set to be held on the 15th and 16th of March at the EXCEL in London.The dedicated expo will feature more than two hundred…