LG's upcoming flagship smartphone will feature Waterproof and Dustproof capabilities according to Korean Media. It seems like in 2014 these features are among the key ones to have in a new smartphone as Samsung has also included them into their Galaxy S5, apparently Samsung is not the only one to jump on the water and dustproof…
A small team of developers jcase, IOMonster, Autoprime, PlayfulGod and Team Codefire have managed to fined a security vulnerability in the LG G3 that will give the user root access with just a single click. The team has proceeded to develop an app that when clicking on "Stump" allows you to Root your LG G3.The exploit currently works…
LG has recently launched its new flagship smartphone the LG G3 and with a new smartphone always comes a new wallpaper. After some time you might get sick of your old one and why continue using it if you are going to make a new start with a new phone? Don't worry, we got you…
If you own a rooted LG G3 you might want to download TweaksBox Xposed. The new app which is currently in Beta and can be downloaded from XDA will allow you to customize pretty much any aspect from the LG G3 with a few simple taps, completely removing the need to install custom themes or custom…
All LG G4 apps have been ported to the LG G3, allowing LG G3 users to enjoy the new LG G4 apps on their device without any issue. The .apk file of a few apps for the LG G3 from LG G4 are already available. These include apk for music, camera, video, gallery, music widgets,…
A Benchmark leak from the guys over at AndroidPit shows that the upcoming LG G3 will indeed feature a 2K resolution display, 534 ppi and a 5.5inch screen. The leaked image also reveals the CPU, operation system and GPU the device will be running, which is (as previously rumored) snapdragon 801 quad core, Android Kit Kat…
Spotted by Ortud, new images from a smartphone case manufacturer show off the LG G3 for the first time, revealing that the device will have a dual-LED flash and a very thin bezel.Previously, images of a LG G3 case leaked but without the phone in it, it already looked like the device would feature a…
It seems like the Verizon LG G3 is finally getting upgraded to Android 5.0.1 Lollipop according to users which are getting the OTA update.The update with firmware number VS98523A should become available for you shortly, since the update was released so unexpected it is yet unknown exactly when you will be able to install the OTA.LG…
According to a new report from the Korean Media, LG is working hard on rebuilding its long lost semiconductor business and over the next couple of months, will start manufacturing its own mobile processors.According to the report, LG's first device to include its very own CPU could be the LG G3. All though according to the…
Numerous LG G3 rumors and information has leaked over the past couple of weeks as LG's upcoming flagship device is closer to getting revealed we now have new information about the price of the device. Several online retailers have leaked out the price of the device, however the price seems to vary from retailer but…
New rumors have emerged about the LG G3 from Korean news website Asaie, which claims that the upcoming flagship smartphone from LG the G3 will feature a QHD 1440 x 2560 resolution display and will feature a slightly larger display then its predecessor the G2 of 5.5inch but previous rumors claim that the size of…
Everybody's worst nightmare, a damaged or scratched new smartphone. Over the past few years you might have had some smartphones and we have all had that moment where our heart stops and sees you precious and expensive device plummer to the ground. The LG G3 is no exception and with its huge display, it is…