Apps For The iPad Cost Twice as Much as for the iPhone
According to Flurry Analytics, iPad users spend significantly more on apps than iPhone users, a trend that has implications for both developers and consumers. In …
iOS 7 Beta 3 is available now. With many bug fixes and overall improvements, but also new features.
Over the years we’ve seen a significant increase in the amount of gaming that is played on tablets and other …
Many users experienced Battery issues with iOS 8.2 and it seems like Apple has mostly ignored these complaints as many …
Apps, Google, Internet & Software
Google has just updated its Google Drive app adding support for Apple’s own Passcode in version 3.0 of its app. …
Apple has just released Beta 5 (build 11D5145e) of the iOS 7.1 beta. The update is now available for the iPhone 5s, …
Apple, Internet & Software, Mobile
The guys over at Evasi0n have finally cracked the code after 3 months, you can now Untethered jailbreak iOS 7 …
Apple, Internet & Software, Technology
Maybe you are like me and love changing your wallpaper around every so often or just feel like you really …
A new iPad Clone has emerged running both Windows 8.1 and Android. The new tablet from Onda looks an awful …