It looks like Developers are celebrating the start of summer as 6 awesome paid apps suddenly are available for free on the App Store. It is yet unknown for how long these apps will stay free but we recommend you move quickly if you want to make sure you get your hands on these apps, here is the full list:
- Thinglist previously $1.99 now available for free. View in App Store
- Work time previously $1.99 now available for free. View in app store
- Analog Film previously $2.99 now available for Free. View in App Store
- Scanbot previously $1.99 now available for Free. View in App Store
- Djay 2 previously $1.99 now available for Free. View in App Store. Our favorite!
- Recordium Pro previously $6.99 now available for Free. View in App Store
Lets take a more in-depth look at what each app does and why you should definitely download it now that its free
- ThingList: you can consider it an improved Reminders app, the incredibly well designed app allows you to write things down you have to do.
- Work Time: It is a great solution if you want to turn your turned off phone on your dock into a more useful device. Work Time transforms your smartphone into an awesome clock.
- Analog Film: If you love taking pictures then this is a must-get app. With more then 400 filters this app can turn any picture into a masterpiece.Â
- Scanbot: This app allows you to scan PDF’s or JPG’s and send them to your dropbox, box, evernote or other cloud account.
- Djay 2:Â Always wanted to be a DJ? Well Djay 2 is a best selling iOS app and winner of the Apple Design Award, the app transforms your iPhone into a true DJ system.
- Recordium Pro:Â the biggest discount of them all (from $6.99 to Free) Recordium allows you to record your voice using your iPhone, including many more features then Apple’s own Voice Memos, this app is a must have, simply because of the huge discount.
Creditor to BGR for spotting the apps. What is your favorite app from the list? Let us know in a comment!