Paranoid Android V4.5 comes with Android L improvements
The Paranoid Android team has just released Paranoid Android V4.5 with improved Android L Style and fixes some mayor issues users were complaining about. The …
Google, Internet & Software, Mobile
Leaked screenshots by Reddit user lj6782 show that Cyanogen is working on a new feature for its custom ROM Cyanogenmod which is …
Google, Mobile, Tech News, Technology
Before he retired, EVLeaks confirmed the fact that the HTC One M8 Prime is “suspended indefinitely” and instead is focusing on …
As more rumors and leaked information starts to appear about the Nexus 6 (or Nexus X) ahead of Google’s official announcement …
With Android L still in beta, Google hasn’t released the new beta preview for any new devices making the developer …
The Android L Developer preview has been available for some time now and many custom ROM developers are working hard …
MultiROM is a great ROM that allows you to install multiple android custom ROM’s on one device and easily choose …
Google, Mobile, Samsung, Tech News
Android L has been in beta for months now and on October 16th we are expecting Google to finally launch the …
Recently you might have heard of 64-bit smartphones and the fact that Android L now supports 64-bit architecture. For those …