What Makes Your Mobile Application Development Successful

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Cellphones, from the time that they were first introduced, were known to be one of the biggest technological breakthroughs ever. The ease of moving unrestrained by wire while communicating with someone miles away was once the biggest achievement of the world. Compared with the power that cellphones posses today though, it seems like nothing.

What Have Mobile Phones Come To?

This is largely because cellphones have become such a huge technology today that they have become a necessity rather than a need. As a result, around 95% of Americans today own a cellphone. But it is not just about cellphones today, but about smartphones. Smartphones have created an entire world of possibilities.

From accessing the web to reaching out to loved ones, everything is just a screen tap away. The biggest tool for these smartphones in facilitating our every move has been through the use of applications. These applications have not just facilitated our individual lives but opened up several doors for us collectively and for businesses. For instance, applications such as Airbnb, Uber and Careem are businesses based solely on and functioning through smartphone applications.

How To Create Successful Applications?

But these applications do not just appear out of thin air to be used by you. They are created by trained professionals and organizations for you to use. However, not every application that is created takes off as well as others and therefore, simply learning how to develop mobile applications is not enough. To ensure that your applications are successful, you must take care of the following factors:

Market Niches:

The very first factor in working on an application is to decide what need it must satisfy. This is essential because the market for applications is already saturated with the number of applications on the app store to reach around 5 million by 2020. So, if your application does not achieve something unique, it will not survive against already established phone applications.

What Makes Your Mobile Application Development Successful - 1

Audience Analysis

But of course, market niches are not as important as identifying what the audience wants. The idea is that if the audience wants something that a hundred providers have already launched in the app store, it is better to launch a 101st version that somehow beats all the other versions rather than satisfying a market niche that audience does not even want.

Furthermore, there is more to audience analysis than simply taking about market niches. It also entails that you understand the difference between major operating systems like Android and Apple. You must understand what application will work better on Android and what on Apple given the nature of the users on each application.

User Experience and Application Design

Application design and user experience are one of the most important features of an application. They can have immense bearing on your application with statistics suggesting UX impact on conversion rates being as much as 400%. The better the user experience and design of the application, the more users willing to use it and better the number of downloads.


Given the changing landscape of the technological realm today, it is inevitable that the nature of these applications will continue to vary. Keeping up with innovation is the golden rule of being successful at mobile application.

Figure 1 https://indianceo.in/tech/11-mistakes-avoid-creating-mobile-app/


