5 Ways to Get the Most Out of an Ecommerce Thank You Page

Manners are huge in ecommerce. Brands that “mind their Ps and Qs” tend to score points with shoppers because it humanizes their company. For example, after a customer completes a desired action, whether it’s buying a cartload full of products or signing up for your company newsletter, it’s only polite to say a formal thank you.

Directing online users to a thank-you landing page provides confirmation their desired action went through and gives brands one more chance to offer some heartfelt thanks. But is that the end of the line for interaction? Consider these five ways to get the most out of your ecommerce thank-you page.

Give a Customer Experience Survey

Saying thank you is a great start, but extending visitor interaction is even better. Think of it this way: The customer has already made it all the way through browsing, adding items to their cart and checking out. Or they’ve already expressed interest by entering their email address to receive future messages from you. At this point, they may be more willing to stick around for one more thing. Ask about their experience using your website.

Above all, make it easy for consumers to submit honest feedback. Overwhelming users with a daunting survey will only cause them to leave faster. Instead, incorporate a convenient form on your thank-you page with ample space for comments and a prompting question to get them started. The questions you pose should help you glean insight into why and how customers engage with your website.

Promote Existing Content

Another tactic for extending customer engagement is promoting your existing backlog of content. Let’s say a customer signs up to receive content notifications for your company. The thank-you page after this soft conversion is the perfect chance to link popular blog posts they may find interesting in the interim. It’s a win-win situation because you’re driving more clicks and engagement to your existing posts, meanwhile the content is also helpful to the user.

Link Your Social Media Pages

Let’s say you sell electronics online. You know there’s a lot more to building successful customer relationships than convincing shoppers to convert once. You want to build an online community for your electronics store of customers seeking tech solutions and new products. This can start with your thank-you page.

Include links to all your social media platforms, and the option to “like” or “follow” your page, to encourage users to investigate and join the community with a few clicks. You can also take this idea one step farther and add a CTA button allowing users to “share” their most recent purchase on social media.

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Remind Users of Referral Rewards

There’s a good chance your consumers are feeling positive about you after completing an action. They might even be experiencing the post-transaction rush ecommerce can provide. This is a good time to promote word-of-mouth marketing by introducing your referral program. Use the thank-you page to remind users about the rewards they’ll receive if they refer a friend—whether it’s a free product or a discount off of their next purchase from your store.

Promote Special Offers

The elusive post-conversion conversion sounds like an urban legend, but it’s attainable when your online store dangles the right promotions at the right time. Your thank-you page could serve as the perfect opportunity to remind customers about your upcoming seasonal promotion and offer them a discount redeemable in the future.

Saying thank you should be looked upon as a beginning rather than an ending. Each of these five ways to get the most out of an ecommerce thank-you page extends the customer interaction and sets up future sales.



Internet & Software