Keeping Your Online Business Safe and Secure

Over the past decade, the number of online businesses has exploded. More entrepreneurs than ever before are taking to the internet to sell their wares, market their services, and network with colleagues and clients.

This means one very important thing: you’re always at risk of a cyber-attack. With so much essential data stored online and on business computers, you’re all too vulnerable to hackers, thieves, and career criminals.

It’s time to fight back. If you’re not willing to run the risk of funding someone else’s success, or boosting a fraudster’s bank account, then here are three easy ways to keep your online business safe…

Firstly use Web Application Firewalls

Although lots of entrepreneurs are unaware of their vulnerabilities, most of them have easy fixes, and web application firewalls (WAFs) are a great tool for those who wish to protect themselves. One of the most common exploitable weaknesses is a failure to guard against cross-site scripting, also known as XXS. This type of attack allows a takeover of user accounts, as well as enabling hackers to alter website content and redirect visitors to malicious websites. The solution is simple: install a suitable WAF to prevent them.     

Secondly Implement Two-Factor Authentication

Another common cause of breaches for online businesses is stolen or compromised user credentials. Statistics from eBay suggested that breaches to their corporate network were largely due to false log in credentials, and if this type of attack can damage such a large company, then you know that it’s worth guarding against. Luckily, there’s a very simple way to combat it: implementing a two-factor authentication system. These work by generating a code that is sent to the user via an app or text message, meaning that they alone know the information required to proceed beyond the first stage.


Time to call in the Professionals

Thirdly and finally, it’s always useful to call in professionals such as a cyber security company like Nettitude,to have them assess the weaknesses of your infrastructure, and the risks facing your company. This is evaluated via methods such as penetration testing, and provides a clear and comprehensive picture of your vulnerabilities and how best to combat them. Free no obligation tests are available from a number of these professional outfits, to help you to decide free of charge whether their services could be of use to your business.

Protect your company today with these three top security tips, and ensure that your future is safe, successful, and beneficial to your online business.